понедельник, 10 декабря 2012 г.

Healthy Living Guide - presentation

TO MARK, personally!!!

Put some questions that you should answer in your presentaion

Your presentation should contain the following;
1.Some proverbs about health.
2.Healthy life (constituent elements).
3. How to keep fit (habits,food).
4. Some research about your friends' healthy habits.
5.The influence of the environment on our health.
6.Conclusion and some advice how to keep fit.

воскресенье, 7 октября 2012 г.

понедельник, 27 августа 2012 г.

воскресенье, 15 апреля 2012 г.


Choose the correct answer.
1.If you get butterflies in your stomach before an exam, how do you feel?
a) hungry
b) nervous
c) shy
2. If you're over the moon, how do you feel?
a) sleepy
b) happy
c) upset
3. If you're down in the mouth, how do you feel?
a) hungry
b) angry
c) upset
4."Tom is as cool as a cucumber." What does it mean?"
a) he is very calm
b) he is fashionably dressed
c) he is stupid

Guess what it is.

To the 5th year students.
1.All British Kings and Queens were crowned here.
2.The country's leaders speak there.
3.It is a symbol of England.
4.You can hear it every hour.
5. It has a cruel history.
6.From this place you can see Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament.
7. It has a history of blood.
8.St.Peter founded it.

воскресенье, 18 марта 2012 г.

My House

To 6th class students!
Read the poem and tell about the house you live in.
Some people live in the country
Where the houses are very small.
Some people live in the town
Where the houses are very tall.

воскресенье, 11 марта 2012 г.

Present Continuous

Dear 5th class student, draw what all the children are doing.
Peter IS EATING a cake.
Susan IS DRAWING a snake.
Mary and Janet ARE SKIPPING.
Mark,Tom and Wendy ARE SITTING
and PLAYING a game of roulette
with Caroline,Kate and Anette.
Nevil IS FLYING a colourful kite.
Ron'S PUSHING Ted with all of his might.
Johnny IS THROWING a ball.
Bobby IS FIGHTING with Paul.
Alex IS HAVING a nap.
Two boys ARE LEARNING to rap.
They'RE all HAVING really good fun -
The boys and girls from NAUGHTY GRADE ONE.

воскресенье, 4 марта 2012 г.


Dear student, could you answer the following questions?

1.What is the longest word in the English language?
2.Why are teeth like verbs?
3.What English word means a boy or a girl who goes to school and at the same time is the name of a part of a face?