понедельник, 18 января 2016 г.

                           Travel broadens the mind.

Please comment on the English proverb. Say whether you agree or disagree with this proverb. Justify your opinion. Could you suggest similar proverbs on the topic.

9 комментариев:

  1. I agree with this proverb. If a person often travel, he sees and discovers something new. A person broadens the minds and he can tell people interesting stories associated with his travels.
    The world is a book, and those who do not travel, read only a page.
    Augustine, St.

    Nosikov Sergey 10Б

    1. Sergey, thank you for your comment. You"ve found a very good proverb that may inspire a reader fortravelling.

  2. I can't disagree with it. Traveller can communicate with people of differnt nationalities. He knows their traditions, sometimes phrases from forieng languages and he can make a peace between persons, which can't understand each other. And this person's knowledge baggage is very big. So many countries, so many customs. Infamous author.
    Petrov Anton 10Б

    1. Anton, I guess that you have written your comment from your own experience. That's great. Thanks a lot.

  3. Фалунина Ольга23 января 2016 г. в 05:22

    Этот комментарий был удален администратором блога.

  4. I absolutely agree with this proverb. When we travel, we communicate with people and learn a lot about the culture of this country, their customs. We can learn their style of life and architecture, their hobbies
    Thats all we know for general knowledge
    Semirikov Kirill 10b

  5. I agree with this proverb. If people keep the house, they don't develop, don't learn something new. If we want to begin self-development we should visit a lot of new places, counries and cities. Moreover you can not only develop yourself, but teach other people new things.Knowledge is power, it help people in their life. Osipov Timur 10B.
